Acupuncture Health Services
Acupuncture & Herbalist located in Shrewsbury and Manasquan, NJ serving the areas of Red Bank, Tinton Falls, Little Silver, Rumson, Fair Haven, Colts Neck, Ocean Township and Middletown
About Acupuncture Health Services
Acupuncture Health Services offers proven traditional treatments for today’s modern ailments. Doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine Michael Beys, LAc, DACm, brings 20 years of experience to his role as a patient-focused acupuncturist and herbalist in the Shrewsbury, New Jersey, office.
Acupuncture Health Services offers acupuncture and herbal medicine for chronic conditions like arthritis, allergies, back pain, autoimmune conditions, and digestive disorders. In addition, Dr. Beys specializes in women’s health care, offering solutions for menopause symptoms, infertility, and many other issues. It’s a substance-free path to symptom relief and improved wellness.
Although many conditions don’t have a permanent cure, acupuncture is a highly effective way to reduce symptoms, prevent illness progression, and improve quality of life.
Acupuncture Health Services uses minimally invasive evidence-based approaches to give every patient the best results. To learn more about how acupuncture works and what it can do for you, call the Acupuncture Health Services office or click on the online scheduling feature now.