Acupuncture For Infertility And Women’s Health

Commonly Treated Disorders Acupuncture Health Services can help you with the following conditions: Amenorrhea Dysmenorrhea (PMS) Endometriosis Frequent Miscarriage Increased IVF and IUI Success Infertility… Commonly Treated Disorders  Acupuncture Health Services can help you with the following conditions: Studies have shown that Acupuncture can help:

Personal Infertility Case Studies

Over the years I have treated many cases of infertility. These cases were the most challenging. Case#1: 25 year old female LS. LS was told Over the years I have treated many cases of infertility. These cases were the most challenging.  Case#1:  25 year old female LS. LS was told by her doctors that she […]

Traditional Treatments For Modern Ailments

Traditional treatments for modern ailments refers to the history of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medical treatments. Acupuncture itself dates back the the stone age. Traditional treatments for modern ailments refers to the history of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medical treatments. Acupuncture itself dates back the the stone age. Oetzi the mummy from the Swiss alps, […]

Acupuncture For Weight Loss

Acupuncture can power up any other weight control strategy by: Curbing appetite, quelling cravings, Boosting metabolism, Improving digestion, Regulating obesity-related hormones Enhancing the way nutrients… Michael Beyslac  I practice patient-centered car with evidence-based acupuncture and herbal medicine for over 20 years.  Acupuncture can power up any other weight control strategy by: The inserted needles act […]

Acupuncture For Alcohol/Drug Detox/Rehab

Acupuncture for Detox/Rehab I have been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine for twelve years. Out of those year seven were dedicated to the treatment of acute Acupuncture for Detox/Rehab  I have been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine for twelve years. Out of those year seven were dedicated to the treatment of acute withdrawal from drugs and alcohol […]